

DateTitleDescriptionFile desc
25.10.2015Baram WISER 2015 DeclarationInternational indigenous anti-dam activists adopt declaration against dam building on their land at Baram Dam blockadesWISER_Baram_2015_Declaration_Signed.pdf (2.84MB)
08.03.2016Statement of Solidarity with Berta CáceresAnti-dam activists of WISER demand an independent investigation into the assassination of inigenous leader Berta CáceresStatement_of_Solidarity_Berta_Caceres.pdf (121.8KB)
21.11.2012Sold Down the River. How Sarawak Dam Plans Compromise the Future of Malaysia's Indigenous PeoplesBMF Report on Sarawak Dam Plans (46 pages)Sold_down_the_river_BMF_dams_report.pdf (2.49MB)
14.07.2013Sarawak Energy FAQ for Proposed Baram DamSarawak Energy provides information on the Baram DamSEB_FAQ_for_Proposed_Baram_Dam.pdf (1.53MB)
30.10.2010Long-Term Hydropower Development in SarawakConfidential Sarawak Energy Presentation at the British Hydropower Association Annual Conference 2010SEB_Energy_Briefing_2010.pdf.zip (11.93MB)
13.02.2012Sarawak's State Level Conference against Mega-DamsMedia release by Save Sarawak's Rivers NetworkSAVE_Rivers_Press_release_on_conference_13__February.doc (46KB)
14.03.2012SAVE Rivers Network joins international community in celebrating International Day of Action for RiversPress release of SAVE Rivers Network for International Day of Action for RiversSAVERivers_PR_13Mar12.doc (25KB)
30.10.2007Chinese Power Plants in MalaysiaSarawak Energy: China ASEAN Power Coorporation & Development Forum, Nanning, China, October 2007Sarawak_Energy_Confidential.pdf (6.93MB)
23.08.2013Flood Areas of Sarawak Dam ProjectsMap showing the extent of twelve dams planned in SarawakSarawak_12_Dams.pdf (6.37MB)
29.02.2012SAVE Rivers doubts that all the Iban communities in Baleh are aware about the Baleh Dam ProjectSave Rivers Network refuses recent statement of Iban community leader in favour of the government's Baleh dam policy PR_SAVE_Rivers_29Feb12.doc (143KB)
22.02.2012Dying Trees in Bakun - Campaign Picture 8Bakun dam flooded a rainforest area the size of Singaporepic8_dying_trees.jpg (312KB)
22.02.2012Dying Trees in Bakun - Campaign Picture 7The ecological impacts of Bakun dam are immensepic7_dying_trees.jpg (425.4KB)
22.02.2012Displaced Ukit on Floating Home - Campaign Picture 6Displaced Ukit community living in floating houses is still waiting for compensationpic6_Ukit_floating_house.jpg (239.6KB)
22.02.2012Floating Home on Bakun - Campaign Picture 5Displaces people living in floating houses on Bakun impoundmentpic5_floating_house.jpg (312KB)
22.02.2012Floating Home on Bakun - Campaign Picture 4Displaces people living in floating homes on Bakun impoundmentpic4_floating_house.jpg (422KB)
14.02.2012Penan to be Flooded by Dam - Campaign Picture 3Penan natives of Long Beku, Baram Sarawak - their village would be flooded by the planned Baram dampic3_Sarawak_dam_victims_Long_Beku.JPG (326.7KB)
14.02.2012Flooded Trees of Bakun - Campaign Picture 2Flooded rainforest trees in the Bakun dam - an area of the size of Singapore was flooded by the new dampic2_flooded_trees_Bakun.jpg (329.2KB)
14.02.2012Bakun Dam - Campaign Picture 1View of the recently-completed 2,400 MW Bakun dam in Sarawak - Asia's largest dam outside Chinapic1_bakun_dam_view.JPG (309.2KB)
13.05.2013Penan letter to the King of Norway600 Penan from Baram appeal to the King of Norway to protect them from Norwegian hydropower executivePenan_letter_to_King_of_Norway_.pdf (65.6KB)
18.08.2014No Consent to Proceed: Indigenous Peoples' Rights Violations at the Proposed Baram Dam in SarawakA fact-finding mission report on human rights abuses by Sarawak Energy and the Sarawak government in the Baram areaNo_Consent_to_Proceed_Baram_HR_Report.pdf (13.5MB)
10.10.2012Murum Hydroelectric Power Poject Resettlement Action Plan November 2011Leaked Resettlement Report concerning the Penan and Kenyah at MurumMurum_RAP_November_11.pdf (298.7KB)
26.10.2012SEB Murum Dam Factsheet October 2012Sarawak Energy factsheet on Murum Dam as of October 2012Murum_QA_October.2012.pdf (124KB)
06.08.2013Murum Dam Proposed Resettlement Action PlanThe resettlement plan for the people affected by the Murum Dam, adapted version for public disclosuremurum_dam_resettlement_plan_may_2013.pdf (3.61MB)
15.02.2012Interview Al Jazeera English TVLive Interview with BMF director Lukas Straumann on Sarawak dam plansinterview_alzazeera.mpg (33.31MB)
26.10.2012International Rivers reply to SEB Murum FactsheetInternational Rivers criticize Sarawak Energy's Commentary_on_SEB_Factsheet_on_Murum_Dam___Oct_2012_.pdf (262.6KB)
03.03.2012Mega dams threaten the rainforestTong Tana March 2012 - Newsletter Bruno Manser Fund (English)BMF_Tong_Tana_March_EN.pdf (878.1KB)
18.10.2012Letter to the Tasmanian Premier concerning Hydro Tasmania12 NGOs ask Australian authorities to recall Hydro Tasmania from SarawakBMF_Sarawak_Letter_to_Tasmanian__Premier.pdf (497.4KB)
18.10.2012Letter to the Australian foreign minister concerning Hydro Tasmania12 NGOs ask Australian authorities to recall Hydro Tasmania from SarawakBMF_Sarawak_Letter_to_Australian__Foreign_Minister.pdf (487.7KB)
19.05.2013Complicit in Corruption. Taib Mahmud's Norwegian Power ManReport on Sarawak Energy CEO Torstein Dale Sjøtveit and his ties to Chief Minister Taib MahmudBMF_report_complicit_in_corruption.pdf (732.8KB)
23.10.2012BMF Letter to Okokrim concerning Torstein Dale SjotveitBMF asks the Norwegian authorities to start an investigation into the activities of a Norwegian manager in MalaysiaBMF_Letter_Okokrim_Kopie_.pdf (381.2KB)
13.02.2012Des barrages hydroélectriques énormes menacent la forêt pluvialeTong Tana mars 2012 - Magazine du BMF (français)BMF_Heft_Maerz_fr_Web.pdf (876.7KB)
13.02.2012Mega-Staudämme bedrohen den RegenwaldTong Tana März 2012 - Newsletter des Bruno Manser Fonds (deutsch)BMF_Heft_Maerz_de_Web.pdf (869.5KB)
08.09.2014The risks of investing in SCORE and Sarawak damsA fact sheet for potential investors in Sarawak, Malaysia, on the risks of doing business in SarawakBMF_2014_risks_of_investing_in_Sarawak.pdf (190.1KB)
07.08.2014Report on Study Trip to Metalun and Tegulang Resettlement Areas, Belaga, SarawakThe Malaysian Bar Council evaluates the human rights violations associated with the resettlement for the Murum DamBar_Council_Murum_Report_2014.pdf (1.74MB)
25.07.2013Petition by Roland Engan on election fraud GE13Roland Engan, the PKR candidate for Baram, filed a petition on election fraud in the Malaysian General Election 2013Baram_Election_Fraud_Petition_Roland_Engan_2013.pdf (223.7KB)
16.02.2012Baram Dam - Expected Flooded Areas1:300,000 scale map showing the extent of the planned Baram mega damBaram_Dam_Flooded_Area.pdf (604.5KB)
08.10.2014NGO letter to President of ADB concerning loan to Sarawak Energy40 organizations are demanding from the Asian Development Bank to shelve a loan to Sarawak Energy for transmission line44921_014_Project_Letter_of_Concern_to_the_ADB.pdf (744.7KB)
Large dams can only serve as last resort, acknowledged the Malaysian Ministry of the Environment.




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