The Bruno Manser Fund relies on voluntary donations for more than 95% of its finances. Please give us whatever support you can afford, so that we can continue our work. Even small sums are of help!
If you would like to donate right now, use Paypal below.
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Donations by paying-in slip
Send us this online form and we will post a paying-in slip (for Switzerland) to you. Information for those items marked with * must be completed.
If you want to make a donation from outside Switzerland, you will find our bank information on the bottom of this page.
Account information for donations
Beneficiary: Bruno Manser Fonds, Socinstrasse 37, CH-4051 Basel
Switzerland:- PostFinance, Account 40-5899-8
- Bank Coop, Account 421329.29.00.00-5, Clearing number: 8440,
IBAN CH88 0844 0421 3292 9000 0, SWIFT COOPCHBB
- Postbank Nürnberg, IBAN DE38 7601 0085 0656 3118 52,
- La Banque Postale, Strasbourg, IBAN FR92 2004 1010 1502 6045 9T03 611,
There is also the possibility of sending us a cheque.